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Sustainable Anaesthesia in Secondary Care
SageTech Medical have created an innovative waste volatile anaesthetic agent capture device. The device is safe, sustainable and an easy to...

CliniCabin: Respiratory Diagnostic Services in secondary care
CliniCabin is a self-contained unit which allows respiratory patients and clinicians to meet safely.

3D printer
In the world of Orthopaedics, complex limb deformities can be difficult to understand fully for patients, trainees, and sometimes surgeons...

Use of Attend Anywhere during COVID-19 pandemic
The Medical Psychology Department at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust provide psychological assessment and treatment services to individuals, struggling...

Design-Driven Adherence Canvas
Poor adherence stands as a barrier to success in many health technologies, especially those self-administered by patients. The Adherence Canvas...

Trauma Informed Care
A trauma informed approach is a system-wide approach to addressing the adversity that underlies much suffering and its impact on...

Health Call: developing innovative digital solutions to support clinical care and transforming existing pathways of care.
Health Call is a collaboration between seven NHS foundation trusts in the North East and North Cumbria. It develops innovative...

AHSN NENC Leads ESCAPE-pain videos
The AHSN NENC, in collaboration with the Innovation Agency North West Coast (NWC) and the Health Innovation Network, has successfully...

Falls, Frailty and Care and Support Planning: Pilot Feasibility Project across Newcastle and Gateshead CCG
This successful Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) study demonstrated that the identification and prevention of falls is feasible as part...

‘Is my resident unwell?’ Communication Tool
In response to the need to improve recognition, recording and communication of simple clinical signs and accompanying softer indications of...

Delivery of the National PReCePT (Prevention of Cerebral Palsy in the PreTerm Infant) Programme in the North East and North Cumbria (NENC) region
The aim of the PReCePT Programme was to increase the numbers of eligible women offered magnesium sulphate to prevent cerebral...